Sunday, April 13, 2014

Problem not goto the UN, The School Wear Manuscript Copies

Some schools in the buffer islands of Batam, Riau Islands , deficient national exam . In fact , in high school 2 Rear Padang Island , there is no subject matter of biology , so it must be copied from the main island .

This is expressed by the Head of Education Department of Secondary Education Andi Supreme Batam in Batam , Monday ( 04/14/2014 ) .

A total of 40 photocopied booklet Biology at SMAN 1 Batam , and then sent to Rear Padang Island timber ship .

Photocopying is done in a cooperative SMAN 1 Batam supervised independent watchdog , colleges and some police officers .

Fortunately , Biology is a second eye exam on Monday , so that officers can pursue and take him to the island doubling the buffer before exam time arrives .

The manuscript could actually be photocopied at SMAN 1 Padang Rear , but the government chose to double that in the school which is located on the main island nearby . This is to anticipate doubling unpreparedness .

Related to this case , the local city government pleaded not tahuapa cause no matter Biology at SMAN 2 Rear Padang . Therefore , nothing is open cardboard exam since arriving in couplets Building , Education Office Complex , Batam .

" Cardboard directly distributed to Mapolsek - Mapolsek . And just taken this morning . , Where newly discovered nothing about biology , " said Andi Supreme .

While in high school Karas Island , about the UN is less , so it must be copied from the original sheet . " The Island Karas has been completed . Enough with the photo copies. No problem , " said Andi Supreme .

Problem swapped
In High School Hang Tuah , Indonesian matter that should be distributed to students confused about the English language . Problem mixed up in an envelope , the envelope marked Indonesian , turns out it is a matter of English .

Agung said the committee directly fetch the correct matter , and was immediately distributed to the students and the test run properly .

In the same place , the Head of Education Office of Muslim Batam Bidin declined to comment about the absence of flaws and on the islands .

However , he asserted , if the time constraints that make working on the retreat , the committee had to add time to the students .
( see also: obat burung cacingan )

"When do the problems will be extended , so that the appropriate time to do it . Working time should not be deducted from the question should be, " said Muslim .


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